vineri, 5 iunie 2009

Hold me / I can't

I know if I touch him 
It's gonna hurt 
I know if I hold him 
It will only make it worse 
If I pull him close, wrapped in my arms 
I know that it will only bring me harm 
He'll slice me through with his wounded eyes 
Bleed me to death with his silent cries 
Slit my throat with his pleading gaze 
Scar me with his mournful ways 
I can't get close, can't let him in 
He'll cut me and I'll bleed within 
It's happening all over again 
I try, won't cry 
As the knives go in

I know if I love him 
The blood will flow 
I know if I trust him 
My heart rate will slow 
If I hold him tight, erase all his fears 
I know it will scar me down through the years 
He'll pierce my skin with his tender lips 
And dice my flesh with gentle fingertips 
His beautiful voice will stab my heart 
Dripping with pain, it will shred my soul apart 
I got close, I let him in 
It's happened all over again 
I tried, never cried 
As the knives went in