vineri, 9 octombrie 2009

Emotional transfer

Bitterness is easy, hatred is easy but forgiveness..well that's a tough one. Sometimes people say things that they don't mean or do things they can't take back. Sometimes we do those things that we can't take back so we feed ourselves to starve the pain. We feed on things, persons or actions and we make an emotional transfer. And the most interesting fact is that sometimes we really lie to ourselves that well that we actually succeed. We are all afraid of something and that fear will catch up if we always run from it. What i have done is who i am but what i have done is not who i will be. Try to unburden yourself from the mistakes of your past and when you will do, your heart will grow stronger. I should know, mine was supposed to go out a long time ago. It does not mean that what you have done is forgotten. What you have done is out there and what you have done, remembers. You can only change what you will do.
