joi, 10 decembrie 2009


O zi de toamna impartita in doua. De cand am iesit afara, am simtit aerul rece dar m-am incalzit cand ti-am intalnit privirea. Nici nu mai conta cine era pe langa mine. Am alergat prin parc si ne-am trantit prin iarba. Am inceput sa radem ca niste copii prosti, mai tii minte? Probabil pentru ca suntem. Dar nu ne pasa. Sentimentul asta doar tu mi-l poti da si incep sa fiu din ce in ce mai dependenta de el. Vreau sa ma faci sa rad in fiecare zi si sa ma iei in brate. Vrei sa te inteleg din priviri si sa-mi fie dor de tine in fiecare secunda. E tot ce poti avea in lumea asta si este tot ce poti cere. Sa fii cu adevarat fericit. Asta avem noi, intelegi? Noi avem totul. Si stiu atunci cand pleci, ma intristez dar ma incureajeaza gandul, gandul tau care va fi mai mereu la mine. Si stiu ca atunci cand revii voi fi de fiecare data mai fericita decat ultima oara cand te-am revazut. Toate cuvintele astea probabil suna banal, pentru ca ne-am obisnuit sa radem de lucrurile dragute care te fac sa zambesc cu toata inima. Poate ca nu le avem sau poate ca preferam sa nu recunoastem ca tanjim dupa ele. Eu sunt o combinatie ciudata de vis si realitate. Prefer sa fiu un pic mai visatoare pentru ca ma face mai des sa zambesc atunci cand tu esti plecat. Este o zi de toamna impartita in doua. Zeci de fete treceau cu viteza luminii si noi ramaneam la fel. La fel de indragostiti.

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009


Je vis pour ell’depuis toujours
qu’ell’ me déchire ou qu’ell’ soit tendre
Ell’ nous dessine, après l’amour
Un’ arc en ciel dans notre chambre
Elle est musique et certains jours
quand notre cœur se fait trop lourd
Elle est la seule à pouvoir nous porter secours

Je vis pour elle jour après jour
Quand ses accords en moi se fondent
C’est ma plus belle histoire d’amour

Elle est musique, elle a des ailes
Elle m’a donné la clef du ciel
Qui m’ouvre enfin les portes du soleil
J’existe par ell’

marți, 1 decembrie 2009

If you don't have a life, woo it

Ok.. i've been writing a lot and not publishing but i really can't ignore the obvious tonight :D.

As some of you may know, I live in a doorm room in Regie. For a girl, this doorm room has a lot to offer: proposals almost everyday from annoying guys like 'how you doin'?' ( and not that funny even), you may have one girl per floor that every night will have drama with her boyfriend and would find her on the steps yelling to the phone that 'i love you baby altough you cheated on me with my best friend' or other similiar phrases, the ocasional bug or two, the everyday 'too hot or too cold to take a bath' water from the showers and the food and toilet smell, alltogether into one fine mixture that will make you miss your home in a second. All in all, it's not that bad if you 'always look on the bright side of life'.

So, adding to the 'special features' that you may beneficiate from staying into a dorm room. you will also have the ocasional party and tonite was one of them. Nothing special yet. Until i hear it! I can't believe it! It's true! The 'woo girls' are not a myth as we all tought but i even had the 'pleasure' of hearing and seeing them almost all night. For the ones that do not know, the 'woo girls' are the ones that will yell and scream 'woo' at any crap that might sound interesting or cool. 'I spilled my drink' 'wooo' 'I have no life' ' wooo'. As i went out on the coridor to chat on the phone with one of my best friends, i had the honor to asist at the party as well. It was the funniest thing that i have ever seen and living proof that some girls are plain stupid.

Stage one - the girls are woo-ing because they have discovered the good quality music - manele
Stage two - the guys slowly get sick of all the woo-ing and leave the girls to dance alone
Stage three - the guys start to make fun of the woo girls and I had the honor to hear all the jokes..ah i love guys sometimes
Stage four - the woo girls start to play slow music and they dance with each other but woo-ing at the same time

For 35 minutes as i was on the phone i saw reality at its 'best' and as I'm writing this..they're still woo-ing.
